Amphibia Wiki

Season 1[]

You got it, Hop Pop! I'll defend this cart with my LIIIIIIIFE!
—Sprig Plantar, "Anne or Beast?"
Oh, oh, Polly, look. Candy!
—Sprig Plantar, "Anne or Beast?"
Giant head, fiddly limbs, face bump, the beast!
—Sprig Plantar, "Anne or Beast?"
You're not a beast at all. You're a hero! An ugly, ugly, ugly hero!
—Sprig Plantar to Anne Boonchuy, "Anne or Beast?"
What? Does this look like a face that could deceive you?
—Sprig Plantar, "Anne or Beast?"
Stop right there! She's not a monster. She's just lost and needs our help. We should take care of her.
—Sprig Plantar about Anne Boonchuy, "Anne or Beast?"
Hopediah Plantar was a tyrant!
—Sprig Plantar, "Sprig Vs. Hop Pop"
Levers are for pulling, Anne!
—Sprig Plantar, "Family Shrub"
She didn't just steal the shell, she stole my heart.
—Sprig Plantar, "Bizarre Bazaar"
Have you killed a man, Hop Pop?
—Sprig Plantar, "Bizarre Bazaar"
Tongue him? I hardly know him!
—Sprig Plantar, "Bizarre Bazaar"
Hey Everyone! This is a sham! We're not guests, we're prisoners!
—Sprig Plantar, "Reunion"
For someone who's Anne's best friend, you sure don't know her very well. She's brave. She's smart. And most of all, she's not gonna be pushed around by a bully like you.
—Sprig Plantar, "Reunion"

Season 2[]

There was a little frog who stood for revolution/The toads didn't like that, so they tried to execute him/But thankfully our Anne stepped up to take the tower/And she saved Hop Pop whooooo..../Mostly hid and cowered./And cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered and cowered!
—Sprig Plantar, "The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar"
I'm the time lord now.
—Sprig Plantar, "The Plantars Check In"
Can you miss someone you never actually knew? I mean, that's silly. Of course you can't-
—Sprig Plantar, "Hopping Mall"
Yeah! Let's go have fun and not think about our crippling sadness!
—Sprig Plantar, "A Day at the Aquarium"
Oh, thank Frog, I really didn't know how I was gonna make it without you!
—Sprig Plantar, "A Day at the Aquarium"

Season 3[]

So... It's too early to call them "mom" and "dad", right? Should I call them "Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy"?
—Sprig Plantar, "The New Normal"
Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Anne's parents. The name's Sprig Plantar, Anne's best friend and walking-talking frog.
—Sprig Plantar, "The New Normal"
Anne! Please don't do this, don't go. I don't know what I'll do without you. You're my everything! You've changed my life!
—Sprig Plantar, "The Hardest Thing"
Goodbye, Anne. I- I'll never forget you.
—Sprig Plantar, "The Hardest Thing"
Spranne against the world?
—Sprig Plantar, "The Hardest Thing"